Dev Team

Archon the Wizard

archon the wizard
Game Director

Nathã Pollheim (haaidan)

haaidan profile picture

x3ak (Pavel)

x3ak stream defense lead engineer
Lead Engineer

Konstantin Kuklin

konstantin kuklin, stream defense engineer
Sr. Software Engineer / Software Architect

Open Positions

While we can’t provide financial compensation at this time (we have no money), here are the positions we’re currently looking for. All members of the dev team will be partial owners of Stream Defense, and the goal is to eventually provide compensation for all efforts:

  • 2D Artists (3D Artists also welcome. We can always convert to 2D)
  • Social Media Contributor (Would love someone to share clips & info on FB/Twitter)
  • WordPress Developer (Would love to add some functionality to the website)
  • Content Creator (Someone who is familiar with the state of the game and can write well)

If you have an interest in any of the unpaid positions above, or believe you could contribute to the game in another way, please email Archon at I try to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.